Getting ahead and staying on top with ERP – re-organizing for success
In an increasingly ultra-competitive business environment driven by the digital economy and cash-strapped customers, efficiency and planning are essential to long-term operational viability and the profitability of any enterprise, be it small, medium, large, start-up or incubator.
Effectively driving your business plan and ensuring accurate information sharing and data analysis in a high-noise environment is critical, which has many successful businesses scrambling to adopt Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software solutions to integrate multiple functions into a single system that controls communication, access to information, process management and the ever-crucial financial planning.
ERP software – whether custom-designed or globally bench marked – is now a critical component, forming the backbone of a company’s operations leading to higher productivity, efficiency, while facilitating strategic planning and oversight for seamless activity across many verticals.
As the leader in ERP, Perfect Business Solutions Services (PBSS) with 16 years of experience and proven expertise, offers custom-made and internationally acclaimed technology products and services through a dedicated team of globally certified consultants and a wide support maintenance network across Sri Lanka, the Maldives, UAE and the USA.
As an award-winning solutions company, PBSS’s product portfolio includes a range of products that cover the entire gamut of business operations and consists of: SAP Business One, Sage Evolution ERP, Sage 50 Accounting, Sage One Accounting, Quick Books, Perfect PEOPLE and Perfect Vertical Solutions.

Tony Devadason – Senior Manager (Business Development)
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