Overview of Customer Relationship Management in SAP Business ByDesign
Nowadays business are fully integrate with the CRM process. It is very important to that all of us want know about the heart feeling of the customer. As well as to track marketing to sales process in a single system.
In the sense now think about us as a service provider, PBSS Team satisfy the customer by providing better solutions for their burning problems related to ERP systems. I am sure you are interested about how to do in the ERP system. SAP business ByDesign has a CRM module which covers end to end process in the one solution. The SAP Business ByDesign solution helps you exploit the right opportunities and maximize customer satisfaction.
1. Target Group Management
Let’s assume your staff want to manage information about markets, customers and competitors. ByD system facilitate to select target customers with the various sections.
2. Campaign Management
By using campaign you can create activities for customer. You can record responses. As a frank service provider in the market, PBSS is here to help you to tell how to monitor your campaign through your single ERP solution.
3. Lead Management
You can create leads on the basis of phone calls or campaign responses. classify them according to a particular interest, and qualify them as cold, warm, or hot.
4. Opportunity Management
This helps to manage the process of closing sales and allows to get a comprehensive view of an opportunity. Starting from the initial phase of creating an opportunity to managing opportunity related activities, you can be maintain and track.
5. Sales Quote & Order Management
Finally you can do the automated order creation in the ByD system. PBSS team is here to tell how to do in the system.
In addition to that followings also can be done in the SAP ByDesign System
- Simulate pipeline & take quick decisions
- Email campaigning with multi languages
- Competitor analysis

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HOD- Sales & Marketing
Mobile – +94 773 972 805

Pre Sales Specialist- Cloud ERP
Mobile – +94 779 729 883
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