PBSS enhances SFA and RD features
Perfect Business Solutions Services (PBSS) the Super Platinum Business Partner for Sage Software and Business Partner for SAP B1 in Sri Lanka and Business Partner for QuickBooks over the last years have done number of new developments.
This include comprehensive mobile sales (SFA), Re-Distribution (RD), HRIS system, Service Manager, Web based student Management system, Fleet Management, etc.
With these developments PBSS has managed to satisfy the customer by meeting their special requirements to run their business smoothly.
This has resulted cutting redundant work, monitoring Efficiencies and improving the sales volume. Therefore it is essential to have a proper centralized system in place to manage all the company transactions together in to get accurate management information on time.
The sales force automation module known as ‘Perfect Anywhere’ mainly focused on improving the efficiency and effectiveness on field sales activities.
Through this module client can monitor on-field sales activities instantly such as daily route planning, sales target versus achievements, sales volume, payment outstanding’s etc while sales representatives can receive updates from head office on stock allocations, route planning, sales targets and etc. Sales representatives can use their TABs or mobiles to receive and update their daily sales activities. If the data connection is not available SFA can operate without any issue and system will update automatically when data connection is available.
The Perfect re-distribution module is specially developed to monitor sales distributors and their sales activities. Through this module clients can monitor dealer transactions; dealer repots and get enquiries from dealers. Under transactions clients can generate purchase orders and approve GRN’s and supplier returns.
Clients can view and print invoices, purchase orders, collections, outstanding and dealer sales. Also via enquiries clients can get updates on dealers, Items, classifications and price lists.
These two systems can be customized to integrate with backend of ERP applications to update the master data. The information will be available for sales rep’s, distributors as well as head office management as soon as they updated information via mobile data connectivity.
SFA module comes with the in-build GPS tracking as well. Also clients can track their sales force activities through this GPS tracking.
PBSS specializes in, Finance Management, Supply Chain Management, Customer Relationship Management, Retail, Hospitality, Business Intelligence and IT infrastructure.
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