What is HRIS Solutions?
HRIS Solutions is a digital solution for managing and optimizing an organisation’s daily human resources tasks and overall HR goals. HR software makes it possible for HR staff and managers to better allocate their time and resources to more productive & profitable efforts. Managing employee information is enmeshed with recruiting and hiring, grooming employees, evaluations, retention, and so much more. These processes make it decisive for HR professionals to integrate specialized software to manage the information more efficiently. For this reason, organizations are now actively adopting Human Resource Management Systems into their processes, where HRs and IT are seamlessly integrated through single HR software.

Features of Best HRIS Solutions
Recruitment & Hiring
Best HR management software systems can automate and optimize the data analysis on peer positions and pitch the correct salary. The automated recruitment module of HRIS makes hiring procedures swift with easy-to-prepare templates and follow-up with recruitment. Moreover, an applicant tracking system (ATS) can simultaneously accept or reject applicants based on set criteria. And this not only increases the turnaround time but also saves costs on dedicated resources for placement.
Employee Portal
HRIS can organize and store financial data. The type of employee data like their positions, employee records, start working date, salaries, insurance plans with banking and tax details, paid time off options, etc. becomes vital when companies get to a specific scale. Moreover, such a portal allows authorized persons to access their records in real-time, so HR doesn’t need to supervise such things and save time.
The primary function of payroll is to calculate and pay salaries, withhold the appropriate taxes and deductions, and organize the printing and delivery of paychecks. It easily handles all legacy systems for compensation and benefit, including salary, allowances, and overtime rates in an organization through its well-defined formulae. It can fairly be called one of the most valuable features of HRIS solutions. Automating payroll provides clear advantages, including easy access to compensation and reward/bonus data.
Workflows allow businesses to automate most of the repetitive, regular tasks that drag down the efficiency of HR management. The system enables sending automated notifications to all participants to keep them informed. By analyzing the data, HRIS reduces the vast cost-factor associated with manual paper-pushing. It also reviews the employees’ work, engagement, meeting expectations, asking for feedback from team members, and explores the set objectives. This can be a tiresome job, but facilitated data collection, shortened process cycle, and maintained consistency can immensely ease your life.
Time Tracking and Leave Entitlement
One of the distinctive features of the HRIS system that other software platforms don’t provide is attendance management. Without any hassle, HRIS precisely controls absenteeism and administers tasks like leave entitlement, leave encashment, the total number of leaves taken and the balance left.
Performance Evaluation
HRIS efficiently simplifies the assessment process by taking KPIs in KRAs into accountability. It gives more transparency and unbiased output of attendance and punctuality of every employee. With individual productivity track, knowledge management becomes effective and improves skills via training and development.
Employee Training
With the change in technology and process, every employee needs to upgrade his/her skill sets. HRIS helps identify this gap of skills and guides in managing employees’ training requirements and monitors the significant cost required for training and development. It also forecasts that AI in HRIS will become an indispensable tool for improving learning and development.
Employee Benefits Administration
The system allows HR experts to elaborate plans, configure eligibility rules, manage employee compensations, promotions, and conduct payments or deposits given by an employer to workers on top of their wages. It also provides self-service open enrollment and integrates compensation costs with accounting.
Talent Retention
HRIS helps to develop employee recruitment to retention strategies. If the attrition rate is high in an organization, HRIS will support the HR Manager with relevant analytical information to overcome this problem. It also allows tracking of behavioural patterns of each employee, providing them with forecasts of possible resigns.
Reporting and Analytics
Delivers the ability to run operational reports to track HR information, complete compliance reporting, develop key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure HR process performance and embed HR metrics into financial modules for company-wide analysis, planning and decision-making. Also, look for the ability to create customized reports.
Calculate salaries, hourly wages, variable payments for bonuses, overtime, sales commissions, shift differentials and merit increases while withholding regulatory and elective deductions, resulting in accurate net payments to employees at regular intervals. Benefits, like matching retirement fund contributions or mobile phone reimbursements, are included in this feature set.
User Interface
A user-friendly interface is critical to any HRIS solutions. Our HRIS systems feature employee and manager self-service, mobile apps, localization, personalized dashboards, workflow automation, role-based access controls and notifications to keep employees engaged.
Workforce Planning
Provides the ability to plan and budget for workforce costs and measure against actual outlays for both current and future scenarios. May also be used to identify skill gaps, create succession plans and prioritize recruitment efforts.
Geo-location tracking
Geo-location is a technology that uses data acquired from an individual’s computer or mobile device (any type of radio or network-connection enabled device) to identify or describe his/her actual physical location. It is one of the most popular manifestations of the current development of information technologies and is recently experiencing a significant rise in popularity.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Human Resource Management software, or HRIS, can be complex to understand. Here are 4 questions answered for you to help you get the most out of your HRIS solutions.
What problems HRIS solve?
These were 5 different ways how the HRIS software solves the traditional issues that are faced by the HR departments and managers. The HRIS software help to manage the employee data along with managing their payroll, attendance, leaves, and bonuses as well as automate processes including tax payments.
How can an HRIS software benefit a business?
HRIS facilitates the safe and efficient storage of employee data. With the help of HRIS, an HR representative can easily process employee information on the system without wasting much time doing the paperwork. Plus, the software system is an efficient way to store and recall employee data as and when required.
What is the use of HR management system in an organization?
An HRIS, or Human Resources Management System, is a suite of software applications used to manage human resources and related processes throughout the employee lifecycle. An HRIS enables a company to fully understand its workforce while staying compliant with changing tax laws and labour regulations.
What are the factors, should consider when selecting an HRIS solutions?
An easy-to-use and flexible HR system for easier personnel management, Technology that supports and benefits all, High data security, Cloud systems for time-efficient HR processes, The issue of scalability, A clear cost structure, The right HRIS solutions implementation partner.
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